Release of Vermed Claravue™ Radiolucent, Prewired Electrodes

January 17, 2019

Nissha Co., Ltd.

Nissha Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “Nissha”) released in Japan on December 3, 2018, a line of Vermed Claravue™ (hereinafter, “Claravue”) radiolucent, prewired electrodes. The move in Japan follows earlier launches in France, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Recognizing the promising growth of the medical devices market, Nissha provides products employing its core technologies—including patterning, coating, and molding—with a focus on medical electrodes and surgical instruments for cardiology. Global offerings consist of contract manufacturing services for major medical device manufacturers, and production and sales of Vermed® products for hospitals, including launching in the Japanese market earlier this year with a range of disposable ECG electrodes
For the purposes of hygiene and infection control, disposable products are the standard in countries with advanced health care services.

The newly released Claravue is a kit of radiolucent, prewired ECG electrodes. There is often a complicated array of cables and leadwires placed around the patient during Cardiac catherization and Emergency procedures. Claravue is designed to simplify the process of attaching the electrodes and reduce tangling of the leadwires, contributing to shorter preparation times for testing and surgery and the alleviation of stress for medical practitioners.
Claravue received a Good Design Award 2018, winning acclaim from the judging committee: “The action of laying out ECG electrodes, a very common one in medical practice, can cause variations in quality due to the situation or the person in charge. To answer this age-old problem, Claravue has been designed using a revolutionary concept, and would appear to be potentially the future global standard. This was why we evaluated it so highly.”

Nissha aims to continue providing high-quality, high value-added products and contributing to health and enrichment worldwide.

Chest set: 50603-J-6V

Chest set: 50603-J-6V

Limb set: 50600-J-4L

Limb set: 50600-J-4L

Vermed Claravue adapter

Vermed Claravue adapter


Body Position Mapping™

Ten previously individual electrodes and leadwires are consolidated into two sets, for the limbs and for the chest. Electrodes prepositioned on the leadwires enable intuitive application to shorten the time of and prevent errors in application. Each electrode is printed with a color-coded location of placement, further reducing risk of error.

Unique Connector

The number of connections to the dedicated cable is reduced to two to shorten the time of and prevent errors. Multi-Parameter cables are available for simultaneous connection to multiple equipment

Reduced Leadwires Tangling

Ten previously individual leadwires are consolidated into two to alleviate stress from tangling.

Product Data

Product name Vermed Claravue
Class category General medical device
General description Disposable ECG electrodes
Medical Device Certification No. 26B2X10027V03001
Type Chest set Limb set
Model no. 50603-J-6V 50600-J-4L
Connection Vermed Claravue adapter (Medical Device Certification No.
26B2X10027V03002) is needed for connection to monitors and
mapping systems.


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- "Nissha" is a generic name of Nissha Co., Ltd. and "Nissha Group" is a Nissha Co., Ltd. and its group companies.

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