Environmental Policy and Management Structures

Nissha Group has established an “Environmental Policy”. And together with a “Environment Principles” that outlines specific conduct and regulations, we disseminate them to all employees. We have also issued the “Nissha Group Environmental Objectives”. Each business location and division sets their own goals in an effort to achieve those objectives, and acts in accordance with those activity plans. These goals are linked with the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each business unit and are directly connected with our business activities.

Environment Policy

Nissha Group, as a member of the global society, aim for business development and the realization of a sustainable society through environmentally conscious corporate activities.

Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board, President and CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.

The Environment Principles

  1. We shall honor environmental laws, agreements with local communities, and demands from our customers.
  2. We shall promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through working to improve energy efficiency, etc. in order to deal with climate change risks.
  3. We shall aim to construct a recycling society through our business activities, from product development and production to sale, etc., reducing the environmental impact of our supply chain overall.
  4. We shall construct a management system and promote continuous improvements to suit changes in the business environment.
  5. We shall value biodiversity and prevent pollution while co-existing with nature.

Daisuke Inoue
Director of the Board, Senior Executive Vice President, General Affairs
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Established on April 1, 2012
Revised on May 1, 2022

Management Structures

The Nissha Group deploys our environmental management system in all aspects of our business activities.
Under the Risk Management and Compliance Committee, at Nissha Group in Japan Environmental Management Representative take the core role in creating environmental management systems through the leadership of a senior director of Corporate General Affairs, and Corporate General Affairs of the Global Headquarters serves as the central office for this endeavor. Furthermore, we also create, maintain, and constantly improve systems for compliance with environmental laws and regulations and the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance), which serves as a global code of conduct mainly for the electronics and automobile industries.

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