Water Resources

The Nissha Group's Environmental Policy is to aim for business development and the realization of a sustainable society through environmentally conscious corporate activities. In addition, the Environment Principles declare that we shall aim to construct a circular society and that we shall value biodiversity and prevent pollution while co-existing with nature, thereby indicating our stance towards the Nissha Group's business activities. We are working to reduce water consumption through appropriate use, water recycling (reuse), and more efficient water use.

Approximately 95% of both water intake and wastewater discharge within the Nissha Group comes from activities at our domestic production bases. The majority of this intake and discharge occurs at the Nissha Precision and Technologies, Inc. Himeji and Kaga factories, which are the production bases for the Devices business.

The production process for film-based touch sensors, the core product of the Devices business, requires good quality water to maintain product quality. In addition, we have established and are operating the Nissha Control Criteria for Chemical Substances in Purchased Products for the management of chemical substances used in production processes, which reflect relevant laws, regulations and customer standards, and we have established strict voluntary standards and conduct regular voluntary measurements to thoroughly control wastewater quality.

Understanding Water Stress Areas

We use Aqueduct, a global tool for water risk assessment developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI), to assess water risk at our production bases. In 2022, the “Overall Water Risk” at domestic production bases was Low (0-1) or Low - Medium (1-2).

The Nissha Precision and Technologies, Inc. Himeji and Kaga factories, both of which have relatively high levels of water consumption in the Nissha Group, fall into the Low-Medium (1-2) risk category. In terms of water intake and use, we do not have a significant impact on local water resources, but we will continue to work to reduce our impact on the environment by setting targets to reduce water use and devising an infrastructure.

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