Human Resources System

Nissha continues to grow by seeing changes in the market environment as business opportunities and by improving our value proposition to customers, driven by the diversification of our human resource capabilities and core technologies. Since growth through such change is at the core of the Nissha management strategy, our Human Resources Policy states clearly that management strategy and human resource strategy should be in lock-step.

The goal of our human resources strategy is to develop human resource capabilities that improve our value propositions to customers. Many of our customers are global companies for whom we customize important components. Servicing these customers requires human resources and teamwork to identify customer issues accurately, to combine our processing technologies, to maintain stable product quality, to make proposals, and to offer problem-solving skills that result in value to the customer. Our work is made possible by the collaboration of the Nissha group companies across countries and regions, with the cooperation of our diverse human resource capabilities.

To improve the value propositions we offer customers, we must bring together a diverse group of people with different specialties and fields of expertise to work as a team. At the same time, it is important that each individual maintains a high level of motivation.

Accordingly, our various human resources related systems and human resources development begin with three factors: (1) improving the value propositions we offer; (2) utilizing diverse human resources; and (3) improving employee engagement.

Human Resources Policy

Nissha Group aims for growth both for the company and employees through diverse capabilities and passion, seeing changes in the business environment as opportunities for growth.

  1. We shall develop employees who embody Nissha Philosophy and contribute to society through our business activities.
  2. We shall respect diversity of employees and utilize their individuality and strengths.
  3. We shall emphasize global teamwork to achieve results.
  4. We shall encourage proactive actions and unconventional innovation.
  5. We shall provide rich training programs and challenging growth opportunities.
  6. We shall create a workplace full of energy where employees feel safe to work.

Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board
President and CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Established on January 1, 2021
Revised on May 1, 2022

Human Resources System

Based on the idea that company growth leads to employee growth, and employee growth to company growth, the Group has overhauled its human resources system, which still had elements of seniority-based hierarchy, and operates a system focused on roles and abilities.

In this system, the required skills are clearly stated, and employees demonstrating the skills required by the company will be given a fair chance to be promoted, regardless of age or length of service. In the human resources system for general employees, we have greatly improved the treatment of employees who hold key positions and introduced a multi-track human resources system based on expected roles. In addition, the actions expected of the managers who direct these employees have been clarified as managerial competencies consisting of the ability to change (leadership) and the ability to execute (management).

Each employee carries out their duties with an awareness of the abilities required based on
their position, and receives feedback from their supervisor on the gaps with the abilities actually demonstrated in the semi-annual performance review. This encourages the growth of each employee, which in turn leads to further growth for the company.

Fair Evaluation and Treatment

In our personnel evaluations, and based on the target management system, employees are evaluated on the two axes of “performance evaluation,” which evaluates key performance indicators related to the company’s management strategy and the mission of the organization to which they belong, and “behavior evaluation,” which focuses on demonstration capabilities required to create results. The results are reflected in bonuses, salary increases, promotions, and other benefits. We present clear evaluation criteria to employees and employees meet with their supervisors to receive feedback on our expectations and evaluations when setting goals at the beginning of the term and when conducting evaluations at the end of the term. We place emphasis on dialogue for mutual understanding, and devise ways to ensure more fair and convincing evaluations and treatment.

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