Human Rights

We at Nissha Group have in place a basic policy on labor and human rights. In formulating the policy, the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which we joined in April 2012, and the RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) code of conduct, mainly for the electronics and automotive industry, were used as reference. In addition to Japanese, this policy has been translated into English, Chinese, Korean, Malay, Spanish and German, and widely distributed to all Nissha Group employees.

Basic Policy on Labor and Human Rights

Nissha Group will observe the international norms, laws and ordinances related to human rights and labor standards and will make efforts to continually improve human rights and labor standards.

  1. Child labor: We will prohibit child labor and also implement relief measures.
  2. Forced labor: We will eliminate all forms of forced labor, including bonded labor.
  3. Health and safety: We will secure the health and safety of our employees and provide a hygienic workplace environment.
  4. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining: We will guarantee the right to organize and the right to collective bargaining.
  5. Discrimination: We will not discriminate based on a person’s age, disability, ethnic group, gender, marital status, nationality, political support, race, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy or membership in a union. We will also not be party to this.
  6. Punishment: We will not perform physical punishment or mental or physical coercion and we will not engage in verbal abuse.
  7. Working hours: We will observe the laws, ordinances and labor agreements related to working hours, rest breaks and holidays.
  8. Remuneration: We will observe the laws and ordinances related to the payment of appropriate wages.

Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board, President and CEO
Nissha Co., Ltd.

Established on June 1, 2018


The Nissha Group recognizes that human resources are the driving force for improving corporate value, and has identified “respect for human rights” as one of our materiality. A Task Force has been established under the Sustainability Committee to deal with the themes of “diversity, human resource development, labor and human rights” and is working to address respect for human rights at the Group's suppliers. For other important human rights risks, a Labour and Human Rights Subcommittee has been established under the Risk Management and Compliance Committee, which is working to reduce these risks throughout the Group.

Initiatives Related to Labor and Human Rights

During the fiscal year ended December 2022, the Task Force worked on the materiality of “respect of human rights” by setting “reduction of labor and human rights risks” as its strategic item and “zero child labor and forced labor at the Group’s primary suppliers” as a key performance indicator/action item.

Harassment Prevention

We at the Nissha Group establish a set of Harassment Prevention Regulations, which prescribe measures to prevent various forms of harassment in the workplace, with the aim of realizing sound workplace environments in which all employees can live up to their full potential. As a structure for promoting harassment prevention, we designate chief promoters of harassment prevention at each base and we have established an external hotline consultation service. The contact information is provided through the Nissha Group intranet and e-Learning, and we are working to ensure that employees understand that the system is set up so they can discuss issues with confidence by assuring them that their privacy will be fully respected and that they will not be treated unfairly or be disadvantaged for making use of these services. There were 4 consultations with hotline consultation service during the fiscal year ended December 2022 and all consultations have been addressed.

We also provide annual e-Learning training to all employees to prevent harassment, in addition to providing training for chief promoters of harassment prevention to solve problems and prevent harassment, and discuss and implement measures for further improvement.

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