Dividend Information


  Interim dividend
per share
Year-end dividend
per share
Dividend during year
per share


25.00 yen (Plan) 25.00 yen (Plan) 50.00 yen (Plan)


25.00 yen 25.00 yen 50.00 yen


25.00 yen 25.00 yen 50.00 yen


15.00 yen 35.00 yen 50.00 yen


15.00 yen *1 25.00 yen 40.00 yen


15.00 yen 15.00 yen 30.00 yen


15.00 yen *2 20.00 yen 35.00 yen


15.00 yen 15.00 yen 30.00 yen


15.00 yen 15.00 yen 30.00 yen


15.00 yen 15.00 yen 30.00 yen


15.00 yen 15.00 yen 30.00 yen


5.00 yen 15.00 yen 20.00 yen


0.00 yen 5.00 yen 5.00 yen
*1 Breakdown of the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021: Ordinary dividend of 15.00 yen and special dividend of 10.00 yen
 *2 Breakdown of the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019: Ordinary dividend of 15.00 yen and commemorative dividend of 5.00 yen in recognition of the 90th anniversary of the Company’s foundation

Dividend Policy

The Company, while giving consideration to financial safety, uses cash flows generated by operating activities, etc. mainly for growth investments, including M&As, capital investment, and research and development, which will contribute to the improvement of the corporate value over a medium- to long term. Our basic policy is to provide stable ongoing dividends to our shareholders. In determining distributions of profits to shareholders, the Company implements the basic policy of the consistence dividends by taking into account a full range of factors including its business results, dividend payout ratios, financial soundness, and other factors. In addition, the Company will properly consider special dividends that take into account the business results for the current fiscal year and stock buybacks as a way of improving capital efficiency.

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