CEO Message

Junya Suzuki, President and CEO

Dear shareholders and investors,

Thank you for your continued support of the Nissha Group.

Overview of consolidated financial results
for the six months ended June 30, 2024

During the six months ended June 30, 2024, the global economy trended toward recovery. In the United States, the economy expanded as consumer spending remained firm. In Europe, signs of a pickup were seen as personal consumption bottomed out while the economy weakened. In China, a weak economy continued as both domestic and foreign demand remained sluggish. Meanwhile, the Japanese economy recovered moderately due in part to strong production activities in the electronic components markets, although production activities declined in part of mobility markets.
Under these conditions, during the six months ended June 30, 2024, product demand in the fields of decorations and sustainable materials remained firm and productivity and efficiency improved in the Industrial Materials segment. In the Devices segment, there was a recovery in product demand for tablets and handheld terminals (logistics related), which had been sluggish in the previous fiscal year. In the Medical Technologies segment, the acquisition of companies has begun to contribute to earnings, while strong product demand remains steady. In addition to these demand trends, the effects of the exchange rate and other factors helped increase both net sales and operating profit year on year.
As a result, regarding the financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024, net sales were ¥99,661 million (an increase of 20.1% as compared to the same period of the previous year), operating profit was ¥4,405 million (an increase of 7,461.2% as compared to the same period of the previous year) and profit attributable to owners of parent was ¥4,363 million (an increase of 444.8% as compared to the same period of the previous year).

Forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024

For the consolidated business forecast for FY2024, the Company has reviewed the latest demand trends and trends in foreign currency exchange rate considering the results for the six months ended June 30,2024. Net sales are expected to increase compared to the previous forecast because product demand for tablets and handheld terminals in the Devices segment and medical device CDMO in the Medical Technologies segment are expected to progress more than previously forecasted.
Operating profit, Profit before tax, Profit attributable to owners of parent are expected to exceed the prior forecast, thanks to the increase in net sales and the foreign exchange gains recorded for the six months ended June 30, 2024.
Figures are estimated on an exchange rate of US$1.00= ¥145, which was ¥135 in the previous forecast.
Previous forecast
(May 9, 2024)
Revised forecast
(August 6, 2024)

Net sales

(Millions of JPY)

188,600 196,600

Operating profit

(Millions of JPY)

6,400 8,100

Profit before tax

(Millions of JPY)

6,500 9,500

Profit attributable to owners of parent

(Millions of JPY)

4,700 6,600



97.17 136.41

In Conclusion

Our Mission is to use the diverse capabilities of our people and our Core Technologies as an engine for growth to create highly competitive, feature-rich products and services that offer value to customers and contribute to better lives for all. Guided by this Mission, we will move forward toward our medium-to-long term growth which leads corporate value improvement.

Once again, I want to thank you, our shareholders and investors, for your support to the Nissha Group.
August 6, 2024
Junya Suzuki
Chairman of the Board
President and CEO

Junya Suzuki

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