Opening of Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto

Unifying Diverse Capabilities, Creating New Customer Value

April 13, 2018

Nissha Co., Ltd.

Nissha Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Nissha") organized a ceremony in the premises of its Global Headquarters in Kyoto on April 13, 2018, for celebrating the opening of “Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto”.
The ceremony was attended by representatives from Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, and the architectural team as well as about 400 Nissha employees. Our Chairman of the Board, Presidend and CEO Junya Suzuki gave the opening address first, then Deputy Governor of Kyoto Prefecture Akimasa Yamashita and Kyoto Mayor Daisaku Kadokawa, delivered a congratulatory address.

Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto

Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto

Construction work started in January 2017, the building was completed on February 9, 2018, and Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto commenced operation in March. Standing five stories above ground level and with a total floor area of 9,556 square meters, the urban hub of R&D consolidates research laboratories and experiment facilities for the approximately 400 engineers previously employed at various locations within the Global Headquarters. The center seeks to merge technologies beyond the boundary of business units, revitalize and streamline technology development, and accelerate product development targeting the global market.

Nissha establishes the ideal product portfolio and method for creating customer value across the Nissha Group in Nissha Innovation Way. The approach serves as a guide to accurately identifying market needs and fusing Nissha’s core technologies and diverse capabilities into innovation. Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto will aim to furtuer expedite new product and business development for future growth, and create new customer value.

Nissha Innovation Way

We capture market needs accurately and fuse our diverse capabilities and core technologies into innovation that creates new value for our customers.

Nissha's core technologies

Core technologies

Our current core technologies comprise "Printing", "Coating", "Laminating", "Molding" and "Patterning". We will continue to expand and evolve by incorporating new technologies and materials.

Nissha Innovation Center Kyoto

Address Nissha Co., Ltd. Global Headquarters
Mibu Hanai-cho 3, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Building area 2,418㎡ (including canopy)
Floor area 9,556㎡
Structure Reinforced concrete, 5 stories
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